RSI Security

The Best GRC Tools and How to Implement Them

GRC Tools

Effective management of governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) processes will help your organization mitigate the risks of cybersecurity threats—and data breaches. One way to do so is to leverage GRC tools to ensure your assets remain fully protected. Read on to learn about the best GRC tools available to you.


How to Find the Best GRC Tools

When looking for the best GRC tools that will meet your security needs and protect assets across your infrastructure, it helps to consider:

You can maximize your security ROI with governance, risk, and compliance management by partnering with a GRC services provider—like RSI Security—who will point you to the best GRC tools for your specific cybersecurity needs and ensure you get the most out of them long-term.


What is a GRC Tool?

A GRC tool is any software-based platform that enables you to manage your company’s cybersecurity risks without compromising business operations.

The best GRC tools function via three core components within a GRC model:

In principle, the best GRC tools augment your existing governance, risk management, and compliance processes and help make them more efficient in the long run.


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The Benefits of Using GRC Tools

When you leverage GRC tools to meet your governance, risk, and compliance management goals, you will benefit from:

Using the top GRC tools to optimize governance, risk management, and compliance will help secure your sensitive digital assets. Even more, these tools will help you effectively comply with the broad requirements of regulatory frameworks like HITRUST.

What Industries Typically Use GRC Tools?

Typically, organizations that handle sensitive data benefit the most from using GRC tools. The best GRC tools can help secure sensitive data in industries such as:

But regardless of industry, organizations that collect, process, or store sensitive data can use GRC compliance tools to secure these data from cybersecurity threats.


Common Features of GRC Tools

Most GRC tools comprise the following features:

A GRC tool that contains the above features will help streamline your compliance workflows and help you remain compliant throughout the year. 


What Other Tools Can Be Integrated with GRC Tools?

When using scalable GRC tools, you can expand their capabilities by adding various integrations, including:

In most cases, the tools you integrate into a GRC platform will depend on your specific business or security objectives. 

How to Successfully Implement GRC Tools & Software

Once you have GRC tools up and running, you might be wondering how to successfully implement them and keep your sensitive digital assets safe from threats. Even with the best GRC tools, you still need to ensure sufficient oversight over their implementation. A GRC tool is only as effective as the processes that run it.

For successful GRC tool implementation, you can consider:

More importantly, the GRC tool you choose must be up to standard with the requirements of the security frameworks that apply to your organization or industry.


What to Look for in a GRC Tool and Software Provider

Considering the volume of GRC tools available on the market, here’s how to find a software provider who will offer the right tool to meet your needs:

Although it can seem overwhelming and time-consuming to find the right GRC software provider, it is worth the investment to keep your IT assets more secure.


How To Choose a GRC Tool That’s Right For You

There are several considerations for choosing the right GRC tool to meet your organization’s security needs.

The best GRC tools will:

Ultimately, the decision for a GRC tool will depend on factors such as your budget, business and security needs, and industry. Partnering with an experienced GRC specialist will help identify the right GRC tools for you.


Are GRC Tools Worth Investing In?

Yes, GRC tools are worth the investment.

As cybersecurity threats grow in complexity, there is an increased risk of your organization being targeted by cybercriminals. Building an IT infrastructure compliant with regulatory frameworks will help defend your sensitive digital assets against these threats.

Investing in GRC tools will guide this process and help optimize your current security controls to the standards required by regulatory and risk management frameworks.


How RSI Security Can Help

A GRC approach to cybersecurity will help optimize your security posture in the short and long term, especially when you choose the best GRC tools. In partnership with a GRC services provider like RSI Security, you will be well-equipped to find the right tools to navigate the complex requirements of regulatory frameworks and effectively manage risk across your IT assets. To learn more, contact RSI Security today!



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