RSI Security

Top Advanced Persistent Threat Solutions

Third Party

Companies seeking lucrative contracts with the US Department of Defense (DoD) need to keep their cyberdefenses up to date. That’s why the final two levels of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) focus mainly on advanced persistent threat solutions to account for the biggest and most complex threats to the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) sector.


Top Advanced Persistent Threat Solutions

As the name implies, advanced persistent threats (APTs) are some of the most challenging cybercrimes to deal with for DIB companies. Regardless, the CMMC, published by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD(A&S)), handles these and all other threats across a system that grows increasingly complex in focus across five levels:

The CMMC comprises 171 practices distributed across 17 cybersecurity domains. There are 41 practices directly related to APT, implemented across levels 4 and 5. We’ll break them all down in the sections below, adapted from CMMC Volume 1.02, published in March 2020.


Anti-APT Access Control (AC)

Anti-APT solutions begin at level 4 with three “AC” controls:

Then, level 5 adds one final AC control:


Anti-APT Asset Management (AM)

The second and final “AM” control is added at level 4:


Anti-APT Audit and Accountability (AU)

Level 4 builds out other anti-APT solutions with two “AU” controls:

And there is one more AU control at level 5:


Anti-APT Awareness and Training (AT)

There two total anti-APT “AT” controls, both added at level 4:


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Anti-APT Configuration Management (CM)

Level 4 builds on anti-APT solutions with one “CM” control:

And level 5 also adds just one more CM control:


Anti-APT Incident Response (IR)

Next, there are two “IR” anti-APT solutions added at level 4:

Then, level 5 adds another five IR controls:


Anti-APT Recovery (RE)

There are no anti-APT “RE” practices at level 4, just one at level 5:


Anti-APT Risk Management (RM)

Level 4 adds 4 “RM” practices to combat APT:

And level 5 builds on these with two more RM controls:


Anti-APT Security Assessment (CA)

Level 4 adds more anti-APT solutions with three “CA” controls:


Anti-APT Situational Awareness (SA)

And level 4 also adds the final two anti-APT “SA” controls:


Anti-APT System and Communications Protection (SC)

Next, level 4 adds five “SC” controls:

And level 5 adds the last three SC practices:


Anti-APT System and Information Integrity (SI)

Finally, level 4 X incorporates just one “SI” control:

And level 5 adds the very last anti-APT solutions across two AC controls:


Professional Advanced Persistent Threat Protection

To reach CMMC compliance at all levels, your company will need to be assessed by a Certified Third-Party Assessment Organization (C3PAO), accredited by the CMMC Accreditation Body. The best C3PAOs offer certification and broader CMMC compliance advisory services tailored to your organization’s exact needs for DoD preferred contractor status.

RSI Security is that C3PAO; our talented team of experts, has helped DoD contractors keep their stakeholders and customers safe for over a decade. Ultimately, anti-APT solutions are one element of broader DoD-required cyberdefenses. Nevertheless, to see how powerful your advanced persistent threat solutions and cybersecurity can be, contact RSI Security today!


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