RSI Security

What is a HITRUST Validated Assessment, and Does Your Organization Need One?


The HITRUST CSF can help organizations streamline compliance across multiple regulatory frameworks, address security gaps, and strengthen overall cybersecurity. Compliance with the HITRUST CSF may require your organization to complete a HITRUST Validated Assessment to verify adherence to HITRUST CSF controls. Read on to learn more.


Components of a HITRUST Validated Assessment

Preparedness is critical to a successful HITRUST Validated Assessment. To best prepare for the HITRUST CSF assessment, it helps to build familiarity around:

With the help of an experienced HITRUST CSF assessor, your organization can best prepare for a HITRUST Validated Assessment.

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Does Your Organization Need a HITRUST Validated Assessment?

Completing a HITRUST CSF assessment helps entities achieve broad cybersecurity protections, regardless of industry. A HITRUST Validated Assessment can also help your organization meet specific goals, some of which include:

Before completing a HITRUST Validated Assessment, organizations must complete a self-assessment to evaluate compliance with relevant HITRUST CSF control requirements.


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HITRUST CSF Self-Assessment

A HITRUST CSF self-assessment evaluates HITRUST CSF compliance based on HITRUST CSF Assurance Program criteria. Specifically, organizations complete questionnaires to assess compliance with HITRUST CSF controls and requirements.

A self-assessment will evaluate compliance for the PRISMA-based Maturity Levels, including:

Organizations can indicate compliance for each Maturity Level via options that include:

HITRUST self-assessment can help identify security and compliance gaps that must be addressed before completing a HITRUST Validated Assessment


MyCSF Tool for Self-Assessment

The HITRUST MyCSF tool can help your organization complete a self-assessment and adequately prepare for the HITRUST Validated Assessment

Specifically, MyCSF can help:

The MyCSF tool helps simplify preparation for the HITRUST Validated Assessment.

Types of HITRUST Validated Assessments

Following self-assessment, entities can complete a HITRUST Validated Assessment with the help of a qualified HITRUST CSF external assessor. 

Until recently, the go-to validated assessment was the HITRUST CSF Validated Assessment, which provides a more rigorous evaluation of security risks with the highest assurance. The HITRUST CSF Validated Assessment is now called the HITRUST r2 Validated Assessment and still addresses HITRUST CSF compliance for organizations that prefer more rigorous security assessment.

However, if your organization has a moderate security risk profile, the recently added HITRUST i1 Validated Assessment can meet your security needs. Working with a leading HITRUST CSF Assessor will help you determine which HITRUST Validated Assessment best suits your organization’s needs.


HITRUST i1 Validated Assessment

Although the HITRUST i1 Validated Assessment requires moderate effort, it is considered a threat-adaptive assessment. Specific features of the HITRUST i1 Validated Assessment include:

While the HITRUST i1 Validated Assessment cannot be tailored to organization-specific controls, it will help you achieve good security hygiene and help manage moderate security risks for your cyber assets.


HITRUST r2 Validated Assessment

Unlike the i1 Validated Assessment, the r2 HITRUST Validated Assessment requires a high level of effort and offers the highest security assurance. 

Comprehensive and risk-based, the r2 Validated Assessment contains several features, some of which include:

The HITRUST r2 Validated Assessment provides the highest level of cybersecurity assurance for your organization. Working with a HITRUST CSF Assessor will help you identify the most appropriate HITRUST Validated Assessment for your risk profile.


How Can a HITRUST CSF External Assessor Help You? 

A qualified HITRUST CSF External Assessor can help you complete a HITRUST CSF Validated Assessment. Your HITRUST CSF External Assessor will assess compliance by:

It is critical to work with a qualified HITRUST CSF External Assessor who conducts assessments based on HITRUST Assurance Program and HITRUST CSF requirements, increasing your preparedness to:

With the help of an experienced HITRUST CSF External Assessor, you will complete a HITRUST Validated Assessment that best protects your entity from evolving cyber threat risks.


Achieve Better Preparedness for HITRUST Validated Assessments

Organizations that complete HITRUST Validated Assessments are better prepared for HITRUST certification. With the help of a qualified HITRUST CSF External Assessor, you will streamline compliance across several frameworks and strengthen overall cybersecurity.

Contact RSI Security today to learn more about rethinking your HITRUST CSF compliance.



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