RSI Security

PCI NACM 2022 Recap


RSI Security recently attended the 2022 PCI North America Community Meeting (NACM) in Toronto, Canada from September 13th -15th. It was an exciting event that brought together industry experts and the broader PCI community to share insights, security updates, and more.

If you didn’t attend the 2022 NACM, read on for a recap of our presence there.


RSI Security’s Presence at PCI NACM 2022

RSI Security team members had great conversations throughout NACM 2022. We had a booth set up and met representatives from organizations of every size and industry. Thank you to all who stopped by and chatted with us about PCI compliance and cybersecurity in general!

We also took advantage of the networking sessions to chat with potential clients about:

For a change of environment from the booth sessions, RSI Security also hosted a private cocktail party at the exquisite BarChef Toronto to learn more about potential partners and other registrants. We enjoyed meeting with them and sharing more about our work at RSI Security.

Below, we’ll briefly touch on some of the insights we shared during the networking sessions.

Top PCI and Cybersecurity Concerns

Faced with various cybersecurity threats, many organizations wonder where to focus their cyberdefense efforts—both for compliance and for general data privacy and integrity.

Given the sensitivity of cardholder data (CHD), a single data breach can impact thousands to millions of individuals, resulting in significant legal, financial, and reputational consequences. 

In our experience, the top concerns for organizations that handle PCI data include:

The concerns highlighted above affect organizations both within and beyond the PCI community—and must be promptly addressed before they can become full-blown attacks.

Considering the complexity of ransomware or zero-day vulnerabilities, it’s best to partner with a managed security services provider (MSSP) like RSI Security for robust, early risk mitigation.

Benefits of Managed PCI Compliance Security Services

At RSI Security, we often work with organizations that face challenges meeting the requirements of critical security frameworks like the PCI DSS. We understand the difficulty of breaking down these requirements into applicable controls and tailoring them to your unique security needs.

Securing sensitive PCI data starts with achieving PCI DSS compliance year-round. Failure to do so only increases your risk of being impacted by a data breach. And the most effective way to achieve ongoing PCI compliance is to work with a compliance services partner who will offer:

Implementing security controls in compliance with PCI DSS Requirements will safeguard your organization’s assets from security threats and help you mitigate data breaches in the long term.


Partner with RSI Security for Robust Cybersecurity

The team at RSI Security had a great time meeting many of the attendees of the 2022 NACM!

We’re excited to build stronger relationships with those organizations looking to optimize their security controls or build them entirely from scratch. At RSI Security, we value our technology partnerships and are always looking to help our clients develop long-term cybersecurity maturity.

We also understand that business risk can compromise cybersecurity. To mitigate these threats, we identify ways to reduce the former and strengthen the latter. Our customers are our partners, and we help them achieve effective cybersecurity implementations that meet their unique needs.

To learn more and get started, contact RSI Security today!



Download Our PCI DSS Checklist

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