RSI Security

Top Identity and Access Management Tools


Growth is a great problem to have for most businesses. But it also creates significant data monitoring, privacy and cybersecurity concerns. With the constant evolution of modern technology, your business cannot rely only on past techniques to effectively manage and secure your data. Poor data management always leaves openings for hackers to infiltrate your network and cart away invaluable information.

Given the rising rate of criminal hacking, phishing and other malware attacks, it’s necessary for your business to secure its digital assets by building a system to safeguard the data of both employees and customers.

Discover the top identity and access management tools with our complete guide to help your business handle any privacy and cybersecurity concerns. Check our full list here.


Why You Need Identity and Access Management Tools

Identity and Access Management help secure the database of businesses against the activities of cyber-criminals. Any business that aims to be cyber-secure needs to incorporate identity and access management into its networks. Still skeptical about the need for identity access management? Here are three reasons your business needs identity and access management tools:


1. Improved Security

Given that compromised user credentials often serve as entry points into an organization’s network and information assets, identity and access management tools offer multiple layers of protection to provide watertight security.


2. Enhanced Business Productivity

Imagine how tedious it’d be to create a new password for every tool accessed during work every day. The drudgery that’ll come from this will be so huge, and eventually, it’ll affect productivity. Every organization wants to get more effective and productive, and yours certainly is no exception. Identity and access management tools help to cut back on the complexities and costs of protecting user credentials.


3. Enhanced Individual Productivity

With fully functional identity and access management tools in place, your employees safely gain access to your organization’s networks from anywhere in the world without any hassles or complications, thereby ensuring that individual productivity is enhanced.


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Benefits of Using Identity and Access Management Tools

Identity and access management tools are beneficial to your business in the following ways:

Since identity management is a critical part of a secured network, identity and access management allows businesses to define their access policy. The result of such access policy definitions is that those who should have access to certain information will have it, while those who aren’t supposed to do so won’t have it.

Types of Identity and Access Management Tools

Identity and access management tools fall into several different categories. Here’s a quick breakdown of what’s available:


  1. Password Management Tools

This tool allows users to manage all their passwords efficiently without having to go through the stress of password memorization.

  1. Provisioning Softwares

This tool allows your business to effectively manage users’ information on multiple systems and applications.


3. Security Policy Enforcement Applications

This tool enforces your business policies and has the ability to detect improper behavior and access it in real-time.


4. Reporting and Monitoring Apps

These apps are useful to monitor accounts at risk, as well as apps granted permission by users.


5. Identity Repositories

This is a data store where all information about users and groups in your company is stored.


Security Protocols for Identity Access and Management

There are three major protocols for identity access and management that help to control data access without hampering productivity in any way. The three security protocols have been briefly discussed below.



With up to 30,000 new websites hacked per day according to Forbes, it’s evident that businesses need to create formidable security systems that can effectively combat cyber-threats.



Due to the activities of online predators who are constantly trying to gain access to your network to cart away precious data, it is critical for your business to always review who has access to what data and at what level.



In other words, the complex procedures that are required for proper identity and access management can only be carried out by experts.


Final Thoughts

It’s important to control access to data if you want your business to be safe from cybersecurity threats. Identity Access Management will help you to achieve that goal. With fully functional Identity Access Management tools operated by professionals, you can be assured of the security of your business.

RSI Security can help your company implement security protocols that control access to data within and outside your organization, without hindering productivity. We will ensure that you are able to manage privileges with access control while gaining visibility and having the ability to produce the necessary reports to demonstrate compliance with important regulations in your industry.

Find out how our experts can use major security protocols such as Multi-Factor Authentication, Identity Management Assessment, and Implementation and Integration to help businesses gain control of access to data within and outside their respective organizations. Click here to learn more about the identity access and management services we offer at RSI Security.



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