RSI Security

What Are System Hardening Standards?


Limiting the points of entry in an environment to as few as possible reduces the number of points that can be targeted for attacks, making that environment easier to secure. The same principle applies to system hardening standards. To implement them effectively, it’s critical to understand NIST’s recommendations and tailor your baseline to your organization’s needs.


What is System Hardening?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines system hardening as reducing the attack surface of a system “by patching vulnerabilities and turning off nonessential services.” Implementing robust security measures without addressing system vulnerabilities and nonessential components is like installing a security system that only protects the primary entrance of a facility.

Even if the entrances aren’t immediately obvious, each one creates unnecessary security risks.

Likewise, system vulnerabilities and unused services increase the attack surface of a system, creating potential points of entry for attackers. The NIST Guide to General Server Security provides guidelines on how to secure systems, covering best practices for patching, hardening, and configuring.


How to Harden a Server

Hardening requires you to use a dedicated host whenever possible and install, deploy, and patch the operating system in a secure environment. It is preferable to use a minimal installation and manually install the necessary components afterward. Since hardening involves removing unnecessary components, installing the operating system with minimal configurations will simplify the process later on. 

After the operating system has been installed and deployed, identify vulnerabilities and apply any necessary patches, updates, and permanent fixes. Follow an established, documented process to mitigate mistakes that result in security risks and ensure the server is fully patched and updated before proceeding to system hardening.


Remove Nonessential Components

A minimal installation will reduce the amount of work that needs to be done to harden the system. However, regardless of the installation, you should audit the system to identify and remove any services, applications, protocols, and other components that aren’t needed. 

If there are any nonessential components that can’t be removed, disable them.

Removal is ideal because it prevents unused components from being maliciously or accidentally reactivated, but it’s not always an option. Consider implementing additional measures to further mitigate risks of disabled components. The NIST hardening guide recommends removing all:

Following the system hardening standards NIST recommends will prevent services from being compromised and weaponized, improving the security of your organization’s system.

It also provides additional benefits, including:

Assess needs and identify what components will be needed before setting up servers to determine and facilitate the most effective hardening process to minimize security risks.


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Configure User Authentication

Proper identity management and user authentication configuration are essential to prevent unauthorized server access. NIST details steps for authenticating users, including the following:

Following these protections will optimize control at the level of user accounts and behavior.

Configure Resource Controls

Prevent unauthorized access to files and other system resources by setting access controls:


Make Additional Security Configurations

Default installations are unlikely to be enough to adequately secure your organization’s server. Identify, implement and maintain additional controls as needed to secure the system, such as:

Assess needs and available resources when implementing these additional security measures. Reevaluate and modify them as needed over time to protect against emerging threats.


Test Implemented System Hardening Standards

It’s essential to perform security tests to ensure that hardening and other security measures are implemented properly and remain effective over time. When planning a test, consider the impact the process may have on the system or any sensitive data to decide whether to test on the production server or a test server.

Two common testing options are vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.


Vulnerability Scanning

This testing option usually relies on an automated vulnerability scanner to identify well-known weaknesses that could be exploited. Tasks these scanners can perform include:

Vulnerability scanning is essential, but results aren’t always accurate and aren’t comprehensive enough to be relied on as a sole means of testing. Use it in conjunction with other testing methods and auditing tools to maintain your organization’s system.

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is a form of “ethical hacking” in which an attack is simulated to gauge how a real attacker would operate. It’s a demanding process that requires care to prevent exposing the system to real threats while examining simulated ones. When carried out properly, it offers many benefits:

Though it is a complex process, penetration testing provides invaluable data to inform system security policies and decisions. It offers hard-hitting cybersecurity insights, in real-time.


Harden Your Organization’s System Against Security Threats

Removing nonessential services, applications, protocols, accounts, and other components is central to system hardening, and implementing additional security controls is essential to bolster the efficacy of this process. By assessing the server environment and following the server hardening standards NIST recommends, your organization will be able to establish and maintain a system that can resist current and future security threats. 

Contact RSI Security today to assess your organization’s system hardening standards.




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