RSI Security

What Threats Does a Web Application Security Assessment Prevent?


If your organization conducts business via web applications, it’s critical to protect your web application infrastructure from threats such as denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, malware, and ransomware. With increased web traffic due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a reported 20% surge in DDoS attacks in 2020 alone, emphasizing the need for web application security.

A web application security assessment can protect valuable organizational and customer data from breaches that compromise user confidentiality. Read on to learn which threats it prevents.


Threats Identifiable by a Web Application Security Assessment

A web application risk assessment can help your organization identify various critical threats identified by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). While OWASP’s list features the top ten web app security threats as of 2021, we’ll focus on the top two categories thereof:

Given the evolving nature of these threats, working with a trusted expert on web application risk assessment is the best way to mitigate the vulnerabilities specific to your particular web apps.


Access Control Vulnerabilities: How to Spot and Address Them

A web application security assessment is a great place to start when identifying sources of broken access control in your web app infrastructure. Functional access controls prevent users from executing functions outside of defined permissions, but broken access controls could result in:

A thorough web application security assessment works to prevent these issues by identifying vulnerabilities associated with broken access controls. The most critical of these include:

A web application risk assessment can identify these and other vulnerabilities specific to access control impacting your web applications and all systems connected to or affected by them.


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Cryptographic Failures and Advanced Web App Security Risks

Besides protecting data from unauthorized access, a web application security assessment can also identify possible breach points or cryptographic failures for several types of data that are stored or processed on web apps. The most critical kinds of data to scan for these risks are:

Most breach points for these types of data stem from issues with infrastructure required for regulatory compliance. Gaps in required controls, specifically in web applications, can leave sensitive data exposed to threat actors. Some of the most critical vulnerabilities include:

Two widely-applicable global regulations are in place to protect the integrity of end-user data. Most organizations must implement some form of web application security assessment for:

A web application security assessment can proactively prevent threats of non-compliance, which can have serious legal, financial, and reputational consequences, short- and long-term.


Web Application Security Assessments and PCI DSS Compliance

A web application security assessment can help determine if your organization meets the PCI DSS compliance requirements. These protect CHD data during storage, transmission, and all other processing across eligible organizations’ IT infrastructure, including all web applications:

A web application security assessment makes it easier to track compliance with the PCI DSS Requirements, especially across web apps, and prevent unnecessary threats to CHD. These can lead to significant legal and financial consequences, including seizure of payment functions from one or more of the SSC Founding Members (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AmEx, JCB).


Web Application Security Assessments and EU-GDPR Compliance

While PCI DSS compliance protects clients’ CHD, EU GDPR compliance protects EU citizens’ broader rights as data subjects. A web application security assessment can help you navigate compliance with the GDPR to uphold the guaranteed rights of subjects whose data you control.

The GDPR is massive, but its most essential protections are listed under the Articles 12-23

Web application risk assessments can help detect and address any risks or early indicators of potential non-compliance before they materialize into actual, punishable offenses. EU GDPR non-compliance can result in significant fines, up to 4% of an organization’s global annual revenue or €20 million, whichever is higher—hence the importance of assessing risk early.


Assess Web Application Threats and Mitigate Cyberattack Risks

Dealing with vast amounts of user data and traffic passing through your networks requires robust web application security mechanisms. At RSI Security, we offer web application security assessment services to help your organization secure valuable user data and maintain smooth business operations. If you’re also looking to build out a risk assessment web application, or other risk management infrastructure, contact RSI Security today for a consultation.




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