RSI Security

PCI Compliance Network Security Requirements

Network Vulnerability Assessments for Mid-market Businesses

It is critical for payment card industry (PCI) organizations to protect cardholder data (CHD) integrity throughout processing, storage, and transmission. Specifically, PCI compliance network security can help minimize the risks of CHD breaches during processing and transmission across web applications and networks. Recent data breaches highlight the need for PCI organizations to address the exploitable network security vulnerabilities that could potentially compromise CHD integrity. Read on to learn more about how to address these vulnerabilities via PCI compliance network requirements


How to Achieve PCI Compliance Network Security

The PCI Security Standards Council established guidelines, such as the PCI Data Security Standards, to protect customers’ sensitive card information. To achieve PCI compliance, network security must be robust.

Pertaining to network security, the most critical PCI compliance network requirements are:

Developing robust PCI compliance network security can protect your organization from any unforeseen threats to valuable customer data.


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Securing Networks via PCI DSS Firewall Requirements

PCI DSS Requirement 1 necessitates that organizations processing card payments implement appropriate firewall configurations to protect CHD integrity. Firewalls constitute one of the most basic and essential elements of network security. By monitoring and filtering all network traffic, your cybersecurity infrastructure helps prevent threats from materializing into attacks.

Your organization can leverage firewalls to maintain a secure CHD environment and achieve PCI compliance network security by:

Implementing the security controls stipulated by the PCI DSS firewall requirements can protect sensitive cardholder environments from cyber threats while also achieving PCI compliance network security.


PCI Compliance Network Security via Encrypted CHD Transmission

Transmitting CHD over open public networks presents severe vulnerabilities and hacking risks, underscoring the need for data encryption for PCI compliance network security. Specifically, the processing of card payments via web applications can render unencrypted data vulnerable to cyberthreats.

Via encryption, your organization can safeguard CHD transmission and meet PCI compliance network requirements in several ways, the most critical of which include:

Implementing encryption practices to secure the processing and transmission of CHD helps achieve PCI compliance network security and minimizes the risk of data breaches.


Network Testing for PCI Compliance and Security

Besides implementing CHD encryption protocols, another critical PCI compliance network security measure involves testing CHD transmission networks for any vulnerabilities, specifically those introduced to the CHD environment by patch deployment and configuration updates, or lack thereof. To achieve firewall PCI compliance, your organization can implement several network security measures, the most critical of which include:

Application of network testing processes can help your organization rapidly detect evolving threats while simultaneously achieving PCI compliance network security.


Protect Critical Networks and Valuable Cardholder Data

Protecting sensitive cardholder data from threat actor activity is critical for all organizations processing card payments. It often requires the help of a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) to guide PCI DSS compliance and an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) to conduct external network testing.

As a cybersecurity expert and an SSC-approved third party for assessment and scanning, RSI Security provides the guidance organizations need to streamline compliance.

To learn more about PCI compliance network security, contact RSI Security today for a quick consultation.


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