RSI Security

What Are the Different Types of HITRUST Assessments?

Ever since 1996, with the passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), healthcare organizations have been assessing the risks that are associated with electronic health records (EHRs). Now, with nearly every hospital utilizing the latest gadgets in healthcare technology from cloud storage to automation to mobile tablets and devices, the need for protecting patient data is at an all-time high.

To help manage and reduce the risk of data breaches, healthcare organizations promote the use of security frameworks. One such framework is the HITRUST community security framework (CSF). The reason this framework is among the most trusted in the healthcare industry is how it can be adjusted to fit any HIPAA mandate or new healthcare law — thus never leaving room for penalties due to security issues.

In fact, it’s for this very reason healthcare organizations are starting to require their business associates to be HITRUST certified. If you’re considering HITRUST CSF, then you should be aware of the different types of HITRUST assessment.


Why Bother With Assessments?

It’s a fair question: Why care about a HITRUST assessment in the first place? The biggest reason most organizations will consider assessments is to ensure that they will survive an audit by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), the department under the Health and Human Services in charge of enforcing the penalties associated with the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules.

To become HITRUST Certified (one of the assessments described below) means to operate in compliance with all HIPAA mandates. That way, an audit won’t result in substantial fines and affect the organization.


HIPAA Mandates: A Quick Overview

For those unfamiliar with the complexities of HIPAA and the act that reinforced HIPAA with stringent enforcement laws and penalties — the HITECH Act — here’s a brief overview of what organizations need to comply with:




Each of these rules is detailed in-depth in HIPAA with outlines for both how to implement the security guidelines and the violations that will occur as a result of noncompliance. The reason to use HITRUST assessments is to avoid these penalties and fees.


Assess your HIPAA / HITECH compliance


HIPAA Violation Penalties

HIPAA violations can cause significant penalties from fines to imprisonment. It’s based on a four-tiered system of penalties that deals with the extent of the noncompliance. The primary factors that determine which tier penalty you fall under are:


The four tiers of penalties associated with these factors are then as follows:

Additionally, criminal charges can be brought forth when a person or entity has the intent to sell personal health information. In these cases, imprisonment ranges from 6 months to 10 years depending on the scope of the charge.

Utilizing the different types of HITRUST assessments can avoid the headache of both the audit and the penalties associated.



Types of Assessments

As a part of the HITRUST CSF Assurance Program, there are three types of assessments available for healthcare organizations:

Each of these has a different purpose and a different methodology behind them. To understand which one your organization needs, let’s dive deeper.


HITRUST Self Assessment

When first implementing a new security framework, chances are, many of the security provisions will be similar to the old ones. The purpose then of the self-assessment is to identify large gaps in security. These can then be addressed internally before running through the more expensive assessments.

The self-assessment tools available are:


CSF Assessment Report

The first option is the more traditional route of self-assessment. HITRUST provides an assessment report that healthcare providers and business associates can run through internally. It’s essentially a long checklist of security items that are needed to ensure that you have the proper measures in place to protect against data breaches and to avoid unnecessary fines for noncompliance.

Because the assessment report is done internally and not through a certified third-party assessor, the best HITRUST can offer is a limited level of assurance. These are based on the self-reported results, however, not by any external assessment.


MyCSF Software

MyCSF is software developed by HITRUST as a way for healthcare organizations to reimagine the way they assess and manage security risks. Before MyCSF, the only method of self-assessment was through the assessment report; what MyCSF offers is an interactive way to provide that same assurance.

MyCSF provides:

If this workload seems overwhelming to organize internally, you can talk to third-party certified CSF Assessors who will guide you through the process. RSI Security experts are available to assist in self-assessment, CSF validation, and certification.


Assess your HITRUST compliance


HITRUST CSF Validation

The next level of security assurance is to become CSF validated. A certified assessor will perform an on-site visit and review the self-assessment provided by the organization. When the assessor submits this to HITRUST, a Validated Report will return.

While this will help organizations identify areas of security that are lacking and weren’t previously identified in the self-assessment, it does not verify HIPAA compliance. The only method that provides this is the HITRUST CSF Certification.


HITRUST CSF Certification

The final step in the assurance program is to become HITRUST CSF Certified. This is where the certified assessor will individually review and score each of the security measures within the security framework. The score will be based on compliance according to the following:

Whether or not a security measure is compliant depends on how the security policies are put in place and what procedural practices follow. These topics sum up the scoring:


RELATED ARTICLE: How Long Does it Take to Get HITRUST Certified?


How Healthcare Organizations Leverage CSF Certification

HITRUST was linked as a resource in assessing security risk, managing that risk, and the implementation of a security framework by the Department of Health and Human Services. This is due to how the framework integrates HIPAA mandates and other security frameworks into one standardized system.

Organizations can leverage CSF certifications to ensure the protection of personal health information and avoid audit anxiety and HIPAA penalties. Because of its success, healthcare providers are also starting to require their business associates to be CSF certified to protect themselves against the added HITECH provisions.



Leverage RSI Security for Your Organization

Before the statement of auditing arrives in your inbox, be sure that your data security systems are up to date. Organizations can leverage RSI Security to implement and verify HITRUST CSF certification — experts are ready to help. They’ll assist you with compliance services, including:

Streamline the security process and ensure HIPAA compliance with HITRUST CSF certification. And ensure certification with RSI Security!



Download Our HITRUST Compliance Checklist

Assess where your organization currently stands with being HITRUST compliant by completing this checklist. Upon filling out this brief form you will receive the checklist via email.



HHS. Summary of the HIPAA Security Rule.

Health-IT. Office-based Physician Electronic Health Record Adoption.

HIPAA Journal. What are the Penalties for HIPAA Violations?

HHS. Guidance on Risk Analysis Requirements under the HIPAA Security Rule.

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