Credit cards hold a remarkable amount of cardholder data. If that data were to fall into the wrong hands, it could ruin a persons life. Now, imagine your company has…
The European Unions new data protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), went into effect on May 25th, 2018. The GDPR is a broad and substantial regulatory change meant…
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was recently adopted in the European Union but has far-reaching consequences for businesses operating around the world. The GDPR was crafted and adopted with…
One of the biggest hot-button topics for consumers, businesses, and governments worldwide is data privacy and security. And the discussion has gotten that much more heated as high profile cases…
Does a P2PE validated application also need to be validated against PA-DSS?
by RSI Securityby RSI SecurityThere were 1,579 data breaches with over 178 million records exposed in 2017 alone. That averages about four data breaches a day for the entire year of 2017. Let that…
Before we delve into understandingVoice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and data security on VoIP systems, heres a quick introduction to PCI DSS payment card data security standards. The PCI Standard…
Merchants need to protect the cardholder data that they collect and encryption is one of the ways this is accomplished. Encryption by itself is not enough to place data out…
Credit and debit cards have been around since the 1850s, but werent commonplace in American wallets until the 1970s. Why? Because consumers were wary of using them due to the…
Becoming a Qualified Security Assessor, commonly referred to as a QSA, is a relatively grueling process that is in line with the important role that a QSA plays. In this…
Cyber security compliance audits are an integral part of securing your networks and systems from data theft or other types of cybercrime attacks. Audits are a process through which your…