RSI Security

Do You Really Need Mobile Penetration Testing?

Data security gets a bad rap. What with massive data breaches plaguing news headlines every few months and the number of affected people increasing each year, you’d think that security experts don’t stand up against the hackers and malware of today. But there’s a piece missing to this story.

Most data breaches are a result of not upgrading the security systems until after a breach happens. It’s a tale heard in the security sector time and time again. A massive data breach is reported, a data security firm is hired to mitigate further issues, and millions of Americans are left to settle up with their exposed data.

To avoid this, proper security auditing and mobile penetration testing are two ways companies can adequately secure their operations. And when it comes to companies with a mobile app, mobile pen testing is particularly crucial.


Businesses and Their Mobile App

Nowadays, companies are pushed to build their own apps. It doesn’t matter if they’re a restaurant, a clothing store, or if they’re in the business of killing cockroaches; if you want to build customer support and brand awareness, you need an app.

The trend continues upward, with 42% of small businesses now claiming that they have their own mobile app. These apps typically offer discounts and special deals, allow customers to build up points, and earn free products — all this in exchange for one vital piece of information: the consumer’s credit card.

With this data comes a responsibility from companies to ensure they have the most up-to-date security system in place. But how can a company guarantee this?


Need a Penetration Test? Learn more.


Enter: Mobile Penetration Testing

To determine the strength of a mobile app’s security, you can perform what’s known as mobile penetration testing — or the more provocative sounding “ethical hacking.” This allows testers to analyze a program or security system and determine the weak points.

There are five stages to mobile penetration testing:

  1. Exploration mode
  2. Deep dive into the source code
  3. Staging an attack
  4. Revealing vulnerabilities
  5. Fixing and securing



Stage 1: Exploration Mode

In the preliminary stage, the tester will investigate the application or program from both the client-side and server-side. It involves determining all the information possible about the mobile application platform to determine what is available for everybody to see. This is a replication of research a genuine hacker or malware creator would perform.

Exploration mode includes all of the following:

When a company experiences a data breach, the exploration stage is of vital importance. It reveals exactly how the hacker gained access to the site and recreates the experience to determine necessary security provisions. Once the initial discovery is completed, the next step is to perform deep analysis.


Stage 2: Deep Dive into the Source Code

Depending on if this is a black box test or a white box test (discussed below), the next stage for pen testers is to access the source code of the program. This allows them to see behind the curtains and look at the program for what it really is. Not only does it reveal the access points that are available externally to the users, but it shows the hidden access points — the ones that typically have less security surrounding them.

The source code allows the tester to:


Stage 3: Staging an Attack

With the entire program’s model now understood by the tester, they can leverage their knowledge of the system to stage an attack. The purpose of this is to understand the various degrees of exposure. In some cases, an area is weak to being infiltrated but doesn’t lead to any accessible data. Other cases prove that a small error in the code leaves a company vulnerable to all types of malware.

There are many different attack methods available to the tester, including:

Once a system weakness is identified and access is granted, the next step is to acquire administrator access. This is done through a process of privilege escalation.



Privilege Escalation

There is a hierarchy within any coding structure. Not all coders will have access to the entire structure and thus cannot push code live whenever they choose. Similarly, on the user end, systems will have hierarchies for who can access what. A typical user will only have access to the program’s basic functionality, whereas the programming team will have access to deeper resources.

Thus, to acquire sensitive information, the tester needs to perform privilege escalation to gain full access to the system. The idea is to take full reign of the system by tapping into the highest form of privilege (which is typically known as administrator access).

From here, accessing hidden folders, revealing user information, and gaining API keys are all possible.


Stage 4: Revealing Vulnerabilities

With the attack on the program a success, it’s time to evaluate the vulnerabilities and what can be done about them. The tester will report back to the company what information they were able to access and by what methods. They will also provide recommendations on how best to remedy the situation and to gain further control of their system.

This is typically done through a rating system, identifying different access points from “very weak” to “very strong.”


Stage 5: Fixing and Securing

Finally, there’s no point in running a mobile penetration test without resolving the issues. The final step is to fix all holes and secure the system against future breaches.


White Box vs Black Box Penetration Testing

Mentioned above were two different types of mobile penetration testing: white box and black box testing. These differ in the amount of transparency the tester has to assess the program.


White Box Testing

Otherwise known as glass box or clear box testing, WBT is a technique where the tester has access to all information sources the company has to offer. This includes source code, design architecture, and infrastructure details that would help identify weak areas. The idea is to offer the tester as much information as they need to determine how best to infiltrate.


Benefits of White Box Testing

Because the tester has an all-access pass, white box testing is suited for:


Black Box Testing

When a company provides no information about the application, the penetration tester is performing a black-box test. This is identical to how a real hacker would try to infiltrate the system.


Benefits of Black Box Testing

As opposed to white box testing, BBT is beneficial for:



When to Use Mobile Penetration Testing

Mobile penetration testing is a method companies can employ to identify weak areas of their mobile application. Companies should utilize this during various life stages of their apps.


Secure Your Users’ Data and Trust

With large-scale data breaches frequently reaching the news, consumers are becoming acutely aware of how much sensitive data can be exposed. People place their trust in companies when they sign up for mobile applications or input their credit card information online. And when a breach happens, people are quick to lose trust in a company, which can be nearly impossible to regain.

To secure your users’ data and to ensure that their trust is in good hands, consider mobile penetration testing to identify flaws in your system. With RSI Security, you can audit your mobile app’s security and implement proper mobile architecture to prevent future data breaches.




Wired. Equifax Officially Has No Excuse.

Tech Jury. 51 Jaw Dropping App Usage Statistics & Trends, 2019 [Infographic].

OWASP. SQL Injection.

GeeksforGeeks. Differences between Black Box Testing vs White Box Testing.

Marketing Tech. What are the real effects of data breaches on consumer trust?


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