A 2014 article on the Forbes website says that the future is mobile. Today, 6 years after the release of that Forbes article, it’s clearer than ever before that the future is indeed mobile. With the exponential rise in the dominance of smartphones and other mobile apparatus, companies are beginning to pay more attention to enterprise mobile management (EMM) solutions.
Mobile Security
As they’ve become increasingly integral to daily living, mobile devices have slowly but surely transformed the modern-day workplace into a mobile-first landscape. In fact, a recent Clutch study found that more than six in ten employees use company-approved mobile devices—predominantly tablets and phones—to perform their work functions.
More than half of the US population is now working from home due to the Covid-19 Virus pandemic. Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the situation to compromise critical data and cart away valuable information. Therefore, every company needs to pay attention to data protection and ensure employees are secure using the internet while working from home.
In today’s digital age, mobile vulnerability is at an all-time high. There are too many unseen threats out to retrieve private information on your mobile device. Luckily, there are amazing and effective ways to protect the information on your mobile device. Learn about the importance of mobile security with our complete guide.
Mobile phones and devices have proved indispensable — they’re our calendars, our connection to the social world, and at times, our workstation. While this is great for the traveling salesman or the employee on the go, for IT departments, mobile devices constitute one collective security risk.
It’s a cliche: protecting against mobile security threats in 2019 is a lot like trying to kill a hydra. Once you cut one head off, two grow back in its place. That’s because instead of fighting a pseudo-dragon who regrows its heads, you are fighting hundreds of thousands of hackers with varying levels of sophistication. For hackers, it’s a job like any other. They read the trends, look for opportunity and make as much hay whenever possible. That’s why organizations of all sizes need some measure of protection against the wide array of 2019 mobile security threats.
Thankfully, in the same way, that there are legions of hackers aiming to break down your information system, there are also many cybersecurity companies working to put them out of business. RSI Security employes the best and brightest to ensure your information system is secure from mobile, internal, external and whatever other threats your company may face. To learn about 2019’s mobile security threats, please read on.
How Mobile Security Solutions Can Reduce the Risk of Cyber Threats
Today’s Mobile Environment:
If it is true that time flies, then it must be true that technology rockets. Today, the race for faster, smarter and more sophisticated technology dominates headlines and purportedly will help decide who holds the upper hand for tech supremacy. However, before corporations reap the considerable financial benefits of improved technology, it would greatly behoove them to examine their own mobile cybersecurity solutions.
Yes, all technology is rapidly improving. But one particular sector has seen the most explosive growth and the highest level of utilization of that development: mobile. Today, around the globe, approximately 5 billion people use a mobile device, nearly half of them have smartphones. And what are all these people doing on their smartphones?
The answer: using apps to the point that there are now addiction help guides. To their credit, many businesses saw this coming and created a mobile device security policy for their workers. Regrettably, hackers and the blinding speed of technology had other ideas. Read on to learn about how the mobile security framework became so vital and how RSI security can help maximize productivity and minimize your security risk.
Technology moves at a rapid pace. In 2008, a bold prediction proclaimed, “Mobile to overtake fixed Internet access by 2014.” Well, in 2019 we can unequivocally say that Mary Meeker, a technology analyst and source of that quote, was absolutely right. Today, there are whole countries whose mobile internet usage, in terms of time, is more than double that of fixed internet. Among that list of countries is the United States of America, according to ComScore.
Therefore, if you are a business without a mobile application or an effective mobile website, you are missing out on, literally, millions and millions of customers who are on the internet entirely through mobile.
Yet, with great opportunity also comes potential risk. Understanding the mobile security framework and how to protect yourself is key to maximizing profits and minimizing risk.
The future always holds promise and peril, as new technologies surpass and replace old technologies, and new risks become apparent. Mobile device security is an essential component of many organizations. Mobile devices have proliferated widely across organizations of every size, for very good reason. Mobile devices can drive productivity, improve efficiency, and equip personnel with the tools they need to accomplish their business remotely. At the same time, mobile devices pose a significant threat to an organization’s network, cyber assets, and data.
Technology, since the invention of the internet, has advanced by leaps and bounds. Forever growing faster and smaller to the chagrin of baby boomers, technology has become almost as important as the air we breathe. Today, you can pay your taxes, order food, even meet your future mate, all from your phone. To borrow a phrase, “It’s a great time to be alive.” However, all those modern conveniences come with a price.
Back in the day, mobile risks were just miscreants stealing people’s letters from their mailbox. Ciphers and codes were the fail safes against such thefts. Amazingly, everything has changed and yet, nothing has changed. In 2019, there are more cyber scoundrels than ever before and they are keenly aware the opportunities that the mobile boom has provided. Read on to learn the top 5 mobile security threats that we all must face.